America’s Infrastructure is Crumbling Right Under Our Feet

by Michael Snyder
End of the American Dream

You may have noticed that our nation is crumbling. In this case, I am not actually referring to the moral decay which is eating away at the foundations of our society like cancer. In this article I am going to specifically focus on the physical infrastructure which is literally crumbling directly under our feet. At one time, the infrastructure in the United States was unrivaled anywhere in the world. Previous generations of Americans built this country from the ground up, and I am very thankful for the hard work that they put into constructing our infrastructure, but now it is rotting and decaying all around us.

Our politicians in Washington finally decided to take action by passing the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

Unfortunately, most of that money is not actually going to spent on infrastructure. According to Newsweek, only 44 percent of the money in the bill is going to be spent on infrastructure even if you use the broadest definition of “infrastructure” possible.

So we were bamboozled.

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