Stocks Tank, Gold Jumps: A Glimpse of the Future?

by John Rubino
Dollar Collapse

Conventional wisdom holds that stocks and gold are inversely correlated, which is to say they move in opposite (or at least unrelated) directions because they serve different purposes in a typical portfolio. Stocks are for capital gains in good times, gold is for protection in bad times.

It doesn’t always work out that way, largely because of the distortions created by corrupt/incompetent governments and central banks mucking around in places that used to be none of their business. As the saying goes: there are no markets anymore, there are only manipulations.

But manipulations only work for a while. Eventually, fundamentals and common sense win out, even in the face of unlimited printing presses and trillion-dollar deficits. And when that time comes, it will look a lot like today, with stocks — especially Big Tech — plunging …

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