Nine Shocking Signs of the Staggering Decline of the Traditional American Family

by Michael Snyder
End of the American Dream

How can anyone possibly be optimistic about the future of our society when our families just continue to get weaker and weaker? Traditional family units are at the foundation of any successful society, and that was certainly true for the United States during our formative years. But now a decline that has stretched on for decades has left the traditional American family in worse shape than ever before. Our entertainment is anti-family, our culture is anti-family and many of our politicians are openly anti-family. There is so much that is working against us, but if we don’t get our families fixed there is no way that we are ever going to have any hope of turning the entire nation around.

If you think that I am exaggerating, just keep reading. The following are 9 shocking signs of the staggering decline of the traditional American family…

#1 The percentage of homes in the United States containing a married couple with children is at an all-time record low…

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