Unvaccinated Austrians Face Prison Time, Huge Fines for Non-Compliance

Booster jabs would also be mandatory.

by Paul Joseph Watson
Summit News

Austrians who refuse to take a mandatory COVID-19 vaccine before a government imposed deadline face prison sentences and huge compounding fines for non-compliance.

After initially placing the unvaccinated under lockdown, a policy that completely failed, Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg announced that the jab would become compulsory from February 1.

Questions as to what would happen to those who still refused to take it have now been answered in the form of a draft that was leaked to the media.

“Under the bill, anyone who refused to attend a scheduled vaccination appointment would receive an official summons from local authorities. If an individual failed to show up, they would then be summoned one more time within the next four weeks,” reports RT.

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