Ten Reasons to Question the Election

by Rob Jenkins
American Thinker

It’s frustrating to hear people on the Right, including some who should know better, claim there’s “no evidence” of significant, possibly outcome-changing fraud in the last presidential election — even as the forensic audit in Arizona uncovers multiple discrepancies.

Clearly, they’re confusing “evidence” with “proof.”

No, there may not be absolute, incontrovertible proof of election fraud — yet. But there is plenty of evidence, good reasons a rational person might question the outcome. Here are ten that come to mind, in no particular order:

Eyewitness testimony. Since November 3, hundreds of people have come forward to report that they personally witnessed various irregularities in the vote-counting process: ballots run through tabulating machines multiple times; “pristine” mail-in ballots; ballots that appeared to have been printed on different paper or filled out by machines — the list goes on.

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