Covid Revolt: Republicans Walk Out as Biden Talks Masking

by Philip Wegmann
Real Clear Politics

The timing was a coincidence. The contrast, unmistakable.

Reporters had gathered in the East Room Thursday afternoon for an update on the next steps the administration is planning in the coronavirus fight, and President Biden was running late. Meanwhile, congressional Republicans were in open revolt. Just minutes before Biden was slated to start talking, Rep. Chip Roy of Texas (pictured) was objecting in the House.

“If we’re going to arrest our staff, I make a motion to adjourn,” he said. The clerk started calling the roll, but Roy didn’t wait for his motion to fail, as it was destined to. Neither did more than 50 other House Republicans. They walked out of the chamber, marched across Statuary Hall, and found seats in the Senate where Mike Lee was condemning House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for reinstating a mask mandate on Capitol Hill.

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