CDC: In-Person Learning is a ‘Priority’ but Unvaccinated Children Must Wear Masks

[Ed. Note: If you have children not getting the vaccine, and you allow the school to force them, alone, to wear a mask… you are officially the worst parent in America.]

by Hannah Bleau

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said it is a “priority” for children to safely return to in-person learning for the upcoming school year but said unvaccinated children should continue to wear masks, detailing its position in a guidance released Friday.

The federal health agency released updated guidance Friday, recognizing in-person learning for children as extremely beneficial and listing their return to the classrooms as a “priority.” This is “regardless of whether all of the prevention strategies can be implemented at the school.” Nonetheless, it is still advancing the notion that unvaccinated children should continue to wear masks in school. Currently, children under the age of 12 are not cleared to receive a vaccine. As such, the CDC recommends “layered prevention strategies” to “protect” the unvaccinated.

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