They Are Telling Us the Plan: A Future Virus “More Deadly” Than COVID is Coming

by Mac Slavo

Remember when Bill and Melinda Gates laughed and sneered that the “next pandemic” will get people’s attention? Well, now the World Health Organization is saying the same thing. Kamala Harris is already gearing up for another one too.

Bill Gates Warning: “We’ll Have a Deadlier Pandemic”

Kamala Harris To The United Nations: “We Must Prepare For” The Next Pandemic

A virus even more transmissible and fatal than Covid-19 (which is pretty easy considering Covid’s death rate is about equal to that of the common cold) will lead the world into the next pandemic, the director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of the World Health Organization (WHO) has said, noting the “evolutionary certainty” of such an occurrence.

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