So Hunter Biden Took a Big Pay Cut from Burisma After ‘the Big Guy’ Lost Office…

by Monica Showalter
American Thinker

[See also Andrea Widburg’s post on Joe Biden lying about his involvement with Burisma here.]

Among the Bidens, coincidences abound.

So sure enough, the New York Post, in its daily journalistic diggings, found this beaut from deep inside the bowels of Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop computer.

The Ukrainian energy company that was paying President Biden’s son Hunter $1 million a year cut his monthly compensation in half two months after his father ceased to be vice president.

From May 2014, Burisma Holdings Ltd. was paying Hunter $83,333 a month to sit on its board, invoices on his abandoned laptop show.

But in an email on March 19, 2017, Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi asked Hunter to sign a new director’s agreement and informed him “the only thing that was amended is the compensation rate.”

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