School Tells Valedictorian Not to Mention Certain Religious Language in Graduation Speech

by Penka Arsova
LaCorte News

The valedictorian of a high school in Michigan says the principal is blocking her from including certain religious content in her graduation speech.

The story: Elizabeth Turner, a senior student at the Hillsdale High School who was chosen as valedictorian, penned a graduation speech where she mentioned her faith in God and Jesus Christ. The principal of the school, Amy Goldsmith pushed back, telling the students that invoking her faith is inappropriate.

Turner’s draft speech read: “For me, my future hope is found in my relationship with Christ. By trusting in him and choosing to live a life dedicated to bringing his kingdom glory, I can be confident that I am living a life with purpose and meaning.”

“My identity is found by what God says and who I want to become is laid out in scripture. Whether we want to admit it or not, not one of us can be certain of how our lives will unfold, but we do know that trials will come. The reality of this is that we face an unpredictable future, and while we are making all these plans to prepare, ultimately none of us are promised tomorrow, making it all the more important to make today count.”

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