Health Journalist Tara Haella Blasts Maskless, Says She Does Not Care What the CDC Says

[Ed. Note: Why is it that these people are always horrendous pigs who clearly don’t care about their health in any other context?]

by Penka Arsova
LaCorte News

A Forbes contributor who covers science and health topics recently blasted people who do not wear a mask in public, saying she doesn’t “give a damn” about guidelines from the Center for Disease and Control.

The story: Tara Haelle, a freelance writer and Forbes contributor that focuses on health- and science-related topics, according to her LinkedIn profile, tweeted her remarks on Thursday.

Haelle, who regularly writes for the Association of Health Care Journalists, which describes her as medical studies core topic leader, informed her Twitter followers this week that she is “judging” individuals who opt not to wear face coverings in public, indoors.

The journalists accused them of being “inconsiderate,” arguing they do not care about “others’ peace of mind” or “protecting my family.”

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