BitCON – He Has a Point

by Karl Denninger

I recently got yet another in a long line of we “lost” information to hackers emails from a company. It was from ParkMobile, which is more-or-less mandatory in some towns as they’ve removed parking meters and turned their pay-for parking facilities into an “app required” environment. No more quarters in the meter or stuffing a couple of dollar bills in a dropbox with the same number as the spot you’re parked at. I haven’t used the app in a couple of years — but it’s on my phone as I do travel and have needed it in the past.

Shortly thereafter I also started getting text messages that were clearly scams, and a rash of emails claiming that I’d been taped watching porn on my computer through the webcam (which said computer does not have connected unless I’m actively doing an interview) and, that I could avoid having my masturbation sent to all my contacts only if was to send $500 in BitCON to some address.

The threat is laughable for a whole host of reasons, but then again plenty of people probably think they did get caught because, well, watching porn on the Internet is popular.

Of note all of these scams through the last several years have attempted to extort payment in BITCON.

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