Biden ATF Nominee Promises to Give Hunter Biden Gun Background Check Form to Senate, Probe Any Crimes

by Ryan Saavedra
Daily Wire

David Chipman, a gun control advocate who is Democrat President Joe Biden’s nominee to be director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), told the U.S. Senate on Wednesday that if he is confirmed to the position, he will turn over records related to the purchase of a firearm by Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden.

The background check that Hunter Biden filled out in October 2018 to obtain a firearm is relevant because in order to obtain the firearm, Hunter Biden had to state that he was not addicted to any substances. However, in a recent book that he wrote, Hunter Biden admitted that at approximately the same time he obtained the firearm, he was addicted to drugs. Lying on an ATF Form 4473 is a felony that can carry a 10-year prison sentence with a $250,000 fine.

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