An Election Heist Too Big to Fail

by J.B. Shurk
American Thinker

Inveterate liar Liz Cheney is running from one news camera to the next like a chicken with its head cut off. Is she screaming about the Biden regime personally funding Hamas, Hezb’allah, and Iranian terrorists in their war to exterminate Israel? Nope. Is she furious that the White House has intentionally instigated a crisis of epic proportions at the southern border by dismantling President Trump’s effective deterrents and actively aiding and abetting the business operations of drug-traffickers and slavers throughout the United States? Of course not: Ignoring the will of the American people and insisting that they remain victims while criminal enterprises destroy their communities are bipartisan objectives of the One Party State. Is she enraged that “green” fascists have joined forces with Federal Reserve currency-manipulating oligarchs to spike gas prices and send inflation spiraling to the moon? Both parties abandoned Main Street businesses decades ago (and despise President Trump’s “America First” policies), so as long as Wall Street can still make a buck and her lobbyists are sitting pretty, why should she care?

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