Ruling Class Warns of “Variant” That Could Spark Another Lockdown

by Mac Slavo

If the rulers can get away with commanding the slaves to lockdown again, they will do so. In fact, the propaganda and narrative for a second lockdown are ramping up again, as a Biden COVID advisor warns of “new variants.”

This time, it’s not to protect grandma though. It’s to protect the children. We all have to be slaves in order to keep others safe. If people can’t see through this totalitarian scam this time, it would be surprising. The rollout of the new narrative is in full swing.

On NBC’s Meet the Press, Micahel Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, called the B.1.1.7 variant a “brand-new ballgame” because of how quickly it has spread among children, citing roughly 750 Minnesota schools that have reported the variant in just the last two weeks.

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