Pandemic Rewards CEOs with Riches, and Income Inequality Keeps Getting Wider

by Dave Allen
The International Forecaster

Hopefully, a few years from now, those of us who survived the current pandemic — from both a health and financial standpoint — will have so much to look forward to that we won’t be looking over our shoulders.

Today, though, is another story. As the pandemic rages on across the U.S. and the globe, we’re stuck wondering when — if — the health crisis and the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression will end.

At its worst last spring, over 20 million Americans were laid off or furloughed — suddenly jobless and struggling to make ends meet month after month after month.

Yet, as New York Times writer David Gelles revealed over the weekend, the executives in charge of many of the companies those millions of unemployed once worked for “were showered with riches.”

Here are just a few examples Gelles presented:

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