No Fair Trial for Officer Chauvin

by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

The American Establishment is determined that Chauvin will not get a fair trial. Chauvin is the Establishment’s showpiece of white racism. The point that is being made is that the KKK is alive and well, only instead of a noose it is knee-on-neck. An unthinking and unaware Chauvin gave them the video that they needed.

Chauvin is not really having a trial. He is the object of a show trial like Stalin’s “trial” of Nikolai Bukharin. Chauvin has to be found guilty in order to justify billions of dollars of damage to many cities’ business districts and the absence of any indictments of the looters and arsonists.

If Chauvin gets a fair trial, he would be found innocent. He recognized that George Floyd was dying from a drug overdose and had medics called. He restrained Chauvin, not to cut off his oxygen, but to keep him still so he did not waste what little oxygen he was getting in agitation.

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