L.A. Teachers Demand Free Child Care Before Returning to In-Person Learning

by Damjan Tutarkov
LaCorte News

California teachers, backed by one of the country’s largest local teachers’ unions, are calling for child care for their own children in order to be able to return to the classroom and resume in-person learning.

The story: The majority of California’s students have been out of classrooms for about a year, with negotiations between teachers’ unions, schools, and city officials yielding little result.

California has also failed to keep up with other states in providing in-person instruction for students, according to a recent article by the education research and analysis site EdSource.

“California is among states with the highest percentage of schools that are not yet offering fully in-person instruction, according to the department of education data, which was collected Feb. 22 through March 12 of this year. About 82% of elementary schools are not open for fully in-person instruction in California, topped only by Washington (91%), Oregon (92%), and Maryland (92%),” EdSource reported.

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