Hysterical Imbeciles Cancel Jeopardy Winner for “White Supremacist” Hand Sign That Had Nothing to Do with White Supremacy

Forget clown world, this is circus galaxy.

by Paul Joseph Watson
Info Wars

In the latest hysterically contrived moral panic, a Jeopardy! winner is now facing cancellation by the mob for doing a “white supremacist” hand sign despite the fact that it was actually supposed to indicate the contestant had won three games.

“A group of 467 purported former participants on the show posted an open letter on Medium on Wednesday accusing the syndicated game show’s producers of failing to catch what they allege is a white power hand gesture,” reports Hollywood Reporter.

“On Tuesday, when winner Kelly Donohue was introduced as having won three games, he “held his thumb and forefinger together with his other three fingers extended and palm facing inward, and he tapped his chest,” the letter noted.”

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