Hunter Biden Dishes On Crack Use, Insists “100% Certain” DoJ Probe Will Clear Him of Wrongdoing

from Zero Hedge

Following its publication of bombshell revelations concerning Hunter Biden and his alleged influence peddling, which led him to take a stake in a Chinese investment vehicle created in partnership with politically-connected individuals, the New York Post was immediately censored by Twitter and the other social media giants, as they alleged the emails, texts and other information shared by the NYPost had either been “hacked”, or were completely fraudulent.

Fast forward five months, and Hunter Biden admitted in an interview with CBS’s “Sunday Morning” program that the “laptop from hell” might indeed be his. Asked a point-blank yes-or-no question about the water-damaged laptop (which was eventually seized by the FBI’s top child porn investigator) Hunter replied that the laptop “absolutely” belonged to him, but that it could have been “hacked”, “stolen” or – who knows? He insisted that he didn’t drop it off at the laptop repair shop, contradicting the shop owner’s claims that he believed Hunter was the one who dropped them off.

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