Fauci: Covid-19 Cases Have Plateaued at “Disturbingly High Level”

by Mac Slavo

The fear-mongering continues. Head medical tyrant, Dr. Anothony Fauci, who can’t even decide how many masks he should be wearing, is saying “COVID-19 cases have plateaued at a “disturbingly high level.” That means we all should fear the upcoming surge.

Because the cases have plateaued high, Fauci says we need to get the experimental gene therapy shot that he himself admitted doesn’t stop infection or the spread of COVID-19 in order to stop the upcoming surge. Is anyone else getting tired of having to point out the lies because mainstream media is complicit in this hoax?

There is a reason the government (the masters and rulers) wants everyone to take this vaccine, and it cannot be good. With the amount of time dedicated to getting these shots in as many humans as possible, our only line of defense is questioning their agenda with our logic and critical thinking.

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