Economist, Euro ‘Inventor’ Mundell Advised China to Buy Gold

by Chris Powell

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Thirteen years ago your secretary/treasurer unexpectedly shared the dias with the Nobel Prize-winning economist and euro “inventor” Robert Mundell, whose death was announced today —

— and while it may be hard to admire anyone who facilitated something as undemocratic as the European Union, Mundell made some surprisingly pro-gold remarks at the time.

The forum was the October 16, 2008, dinner meeting of the Committee for Monetary Research and Education, held at the lovely Union League Club in New York, where your secretary/treasurer had been invited to detail the longstanding gold price suppression policy of Western central banks. Mundell, a professor at Columbia University, happened to attend and was quickly invited to join the speaking program, though he had no prepared remarks.

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