It is All by Design: The Great Reset is Coming, Prepare for Digital Currency

by Mac Slavo

If you think you have no liberty or freedom now, just wait until the Great Reset, and the elitists and ruling class demand you use their digital dollar. This is all by design and everything will be tracked, traced, surveilled, monitored, and shut off if you don’t agree to willingly enslave yourself to these psychopaths.

Supporters of the World Economic Forum’s all-encompassing Great Reset agenda are eyeing BIG changes for the global monetary system.

Plans that might once have been dismissed as pure speculation or conspiracy theories are now being openly pushed by people who occupy the highest levels of power. – Stefan Gleason, Money Metals Exchange

If people allow a digital dollar to become a part of their lives, we will end up completely and wholly enslaved. Not that we aren’t now, but there will be no escape. Comply, or be shut off from buying food.

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