More Coivd-19 Vax Deaths: Think They’ll Blame This on Covid-21?

by Mac Slavo

The deaths and severe injuries from the COVID-19 vaccine are continuing to stack up. Here’s a question: how likely is it that the ruling class blames these deaths on COVID-21?

With the constant news of new “mutations” of the coronavirus designed to panic the already fearful masses into getting a vaccine that’s been horrifically damaging people and even killing them, we’d say this is likely. I hope I’m wrong, but not enough of the public has figured this out yet.

All of these agendas (the elitists own everything, they will take everything from you, you will be their slave permanently, unable to ever escape again, eugenics, and permission to do anything from those who desire ultimate control over everyone) are coalescing. Wake up now, or you won’t be able to. The ultimate goal is to take all of your property under the guise of you being unable to pay. What do you really think the lockdowns were for? Certainly not for a virus that statically, no one is dying from.

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