As Illegal Border Crossings Surge, Psaki and Media Redefine ‘Kids in Cages’ as ‘Migrant Facility for Children’

by Thomas Lifson
American Thinker

Remember when Kamala Harris said it was a “human rights abuse” for the United States (under President Trump) to detain children crossing the border? But with President Biden in office, and illegal border crossings skyrocketing thanks to a welcome mat being put out for illegal border-crossers, it’s become necessary to reactivate a detention facility where kids can be safely held, separated from adults who may or may not be family members.

Given the hysteria under Trump over children purportedly being ripped from their families’ loving arms (never mind the predatory coyotes who often accompany them), this is a bit awkward. Even AOC notices:

New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slammed the Biden administration on Tuesday for reopening a Texas facility to hold migrant children.

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