The Dystopian Reality of Big Tech

Online platforms are now censoring speech on an industrial scale.

by Andrew Orlowski

Anyone who hoped the internet would be a great leveller 25 years ago will be dumbfounded by how it looks today. Big Tech has seized the role of policing opinion, as the enforcer of Upper Normie, high-status opinion – and is censoring speech on an industrial scale.

Late last year, as the presidential election campaign neared its conclusion, and as Trump’s tweets began to be embroidered with nanny-ish health warnings, the New York Post published a sparse factual story detailing Hunter Biden’s business dealings. It implicated the Biden family, and, by inference, then presidential candidate Joe Biden in Chinese business deals. Twitter then blocked distribution of the story on its own platform on the grounds that it violated a policy on hacked materials. Which always seemed a convenient excuse not to damage Biden’s electoral chances. And so it proved, with the FBI now one of several agencies belatedly investigating Biden Jr.

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