Reddit Traders Target Silver: Man Who Oversees Nearly $160 Billion Says Silver May Be Poised to Skyrocket

from King World News

As the Reddit army of traders target the silver market, today the man who oversees nearly $160 billion says the price of silver may be poised to skyrocket.

Silver And The Reddit Army Of Traders

January 28 (King World News) – Eric King: “Rob, one of your holdings is silver and as you know the silver market lit up today. You are aware of the piece King World News published where Chris Ritchie, who runs one of the top silver companies in the world (SilverCrest Metals), was asking me off the cuff, with the Reddit army of traders entering the silver market and looking at GameStop’s trading volume, what will it take to purchase 20% or 30% of annual silver mine supply when you look at what the total dollar trading volume was in GameStop?

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