Rabobank: The “Rise of the Machines” is Here

by Mac Slavo

Machine-learning. One hears a lot about it today, perhaps partly because humans don’t learn. – Michael Every of Rabobank

The future of humanity is truly at stake. Are we going to learn, grow, and evolve or will be stuck under an artificial intelligence-driven Matrix system designed to manipulate our behaviors and turn us into a slave to a technocracy? The choice is ours and it’s never been more vital.

The rise of AI and digital technologies is enabling many capabilities, disrupting several business models, and changing the way we live and work. At the same time, this technological shift is also giving rise to many concerns around ethics, privacy, security, and the future of humanity.

With the rise of AI, machines are slowly taking over human cognition functions, a phenomenon that author Ray Kurzweil predicts will increase over time and culminate in the advent of singularity where machines irrevocably take over humans, possibly at some distant point in the future. –Forbes

Although that distant point may not be so far off.

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