Businesses Are Boarding Up Windows and Pulling Guns Off the Shelves in Anticipation of Widespread Election Unrest

by Michael Snyder
End of the American Dream

A storm is coming in, and soon it will envelop the entire nation. We are accustomed to seeing businesses board up their doors and windows in coastal cities that are about to get hit by a hurricane, but I can’t think of another time when businesses all across America have been boarding up their doors and windows all at the same time. There is widespread fear that this election could be the spark that sets off another round of horrifying civil unrest in cities all over the United States, and business owners are taking measures to protect their businesses from the violence. The fact that we are even talking about the possibility of widespread violence after a presidential election shows just how much our country has fallen already. Our society is literally coming apart at the seams all around us, and at this point even Forbes is urging everyone to prepare for a worst case scenario…

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