Gold Will Soar Regardless Who’s President

by David Kranzler
Investment Research Dynamics

We can ignore reality but we can’t ignore the consequences of ignoring reality. – Ayn Rand

Perhaps the most infuriating aspect of last night’s final “debate” is the suppression of the truth. Throughout all three debtes, Hillary overtly avoided answering any direct quetions regarding her infamous emails, thankfully put on display for all to see by Wikileaks.

Last night she pivoted right to blaming it on the Russians. Talk about conspiracy theory. It is highly improbable that the Russians hacked her illegal email accounts for the purpose of influencing the election. But Hillary used this sound-byte to deflect away from the Truth. All of the Truths exposed by the leaked emails which point to Hillary’s criminal activity, including collusion with the media (CNN specifically) to rig the outcome of her primary race and selling access to the State Dept and to Wall Street Banks for donations to the Clinton Foundation. Those are just two of many acts of criminality exposed by the emails.

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