Lock Them ALL Up

by Karl Denninger

How many times will you hear crap coming out of your Tee Vee and various reps and senators before you drop everything you’re doing, get off your ass, show up in DC and refuse to leave until everyone involved in this garbage goes to prison?

The EpiPen isn’t new; it has been in use since 1977. Research and development costs were recouped long ago. Nine years ago, it was bought by the pharmaceutical company Mylan, which then began to sell the device. When Mylan bought it, EpiPens cost about $57 each.

Few competitors existed, and for various reasons, that has remained the case. The device actually worked and saved lives. People needed it. Mylan raised the price. It also began to raise awareness.

“Raise the price” is sure a decent description… if you consider a 500% increase a “raise”…


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