James Howard Kunstler: Racketeering Is Ruining Us

Understanding why there are all those hands in your wallet

by Adam Taggart
Chris Martenson’s Peak Prosperity

If you don’t understand what’s causing a particular problem, then it’s pretty difficult to come up with an effective solution.

Author, commentator and longtime friend-of-the-site James Howard Kunstler returns to our podcast this week to discuss the importance of accurate diagnosis — in this case, of the scourge he sees as accelerating America’s downslide into economic and social decline: Racketeering.

More associated with the organized crime bosses of a century ago, it’s not a word used often these days. But that doesn’t diminish in any way its relevance to and impact on our lives today:

The disorders in politics that we’re seeing now are really expressions of the larger disorders in our economic life and our financial life. That just happens to be the avenue that the expression is coming out of. Another point I’d like to make is that the reason that people are against Hillary or dumping on Hillary or don’t like her, is because she’s a poster child for racketeering. I encourage people who are talking about our circumstances and people who are interested in the news and election, to use the word racketeering to describe what’s going on in this country. You really need the right vocabulary to understand exactly what’s going on.

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