by Chuck Butler
Daily Pfennig
Good Day… And a Tom Terrific Tuesday to you! Before we get started on this journey today through the markets, it’s Pfennig Tradition to start July with Uriah Heep… There I was on a July morning, I was looking for love… With the strength of a new day dawning, and the beautiful sun… I hope you all had a grand Independence Day Holiday Weekend! Ours here in the St. Louis area was a complete washout… But that didn’t stop me from stepping outside yesterday to sing out loud, (I don’t care who hears me!): My country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing… Land where my fathers die, Land of the Pilgrims pride, from every mountain side, Let Freedom Ring. This year, being an election year, brings out the Patriot in me even more… So, now, let’s move along…