by Jeff Nielson
Bullion Bulls Canada
One empire builds, the other empire destroys. It is as simple as that. In the corrupt-and-decaying Western Empire, we see only destruction: the destruction of economies; the destruction of societies; the destruction of nations. It is an empire created by the oligarchs of the banking Crime Syndicate, for the oligarchs. It’s one agenda is raping-and-pillaging. The raping-and-pillaging always and exclusively serves one of two purposes: stealing more wealth, or extending/consolidating the oligarchs’ political control.
Then we have China’s empire. China’s empire is a builder’s empire. China’s empire-building has elevated its own population, not enslaved-and-impoverished the people, as is being constantly done in the West. China builds relationships with other nations. The Corrupt West simply imposes its will on neighbouring nations, usually via some form of political, economic, or military coercion.