from Bill Still
lass=”” >Nigel Farage crushed British Prime Minister David Cameron in last night’s head-to-head debate over the June 23 Brexit vote.
Despite many post-debate callers claiming that the debate was biased against Mr. Farage, real-time opinion sampling over a technology called Red Box showed that Farage out-debated Cameron on the issues.
Out of 2500 television viewers randomly sampled, 80% favored Brexit ahead of the debate. Both Cameron and Farage was given 30 minutes to speak. At the end of the debate, 90% of Brexit group were unmoved by Cameron’s arguments, and 94% of the Remainers were unmoved by Farage’s arguments.
However, remember, Farage was starting out with 80% of those sampled having already decided on Brexit. But on top of that, the Undecided broke heavily for Farage and Brexit.
Among undecided, 62% were swayed towards for Brexit and only 2% were swayed towards Remaining, while 24% remained undecided.
A UKIP spokesman said after the debate had concluded:
“Indeed as the half hour progressed and undecided voters heard more from Nigel, his ratings amongst this crucial group increased throughout.
“Last night was a huge win for Nigel and the Leave side with undecided voters backing the Brexit message and rejecting the government’s increasingly pathetic project fear.”