from Bill Still
lass=”” >Now that Hillary Clinton has supposedly clinched the Democrat nomination for President, it’s time to take a serious look at the various scenarios generated by the one primary hurdle she has not faced – the FBI primary.
According to veteran D.C. guy, Cal Thomas, the FBI held off interviewing Hillary Clinton until the end of the primaries because they didn’t want to be charged with interfering with the nominating process.
Thomas has a source – Bradley Blakeman, who served on George W. Bush’s White House staff.
Blakeman thinks the FBI is likely to make its recommendations to the Justice Department well before the Democratic National Convention which begins July 25.
If she is indicted before the convention, that will give the party an opportunity to make changes in the rules that could result in an alternate nominee.
“If a grand jury is empaneled, or if she were to be indicted before the convention, the Democrats would have to let her go.” Said Blakeman.
However, if an indictment came after the convention, it would be nearly impossible to replace Clinton with another candidate because process of states certifying their ballots.
According to Blakeman there is another problem:
“Once the convention ends, how do they reconvene to substitute Hillary? They have no rules for that.”
Regardless of what scenario takes place, one thing is fairly certain; Clinton will never have to answer for her crimes.
According to Blakeman:
“… if she were indicted, there is no doubt Obama would pardon her on January 19 as he walks out the door.”
I’m still reporting from Washington. Good evening.