by JY896
TF Metals Report
When I was growing up, and on various occasions expressing an interest in biology or medicine, my dad would sometimes tell me stories that became his versions of ‘no-longer-a-little-kid’ but ‘not-yet-an-adult’ fairy tales. These were genuine attempts on his part to try to relate to me as an equal, to teach me as much as he could at the level of understanding I had. For those of you with kids 10 and under – you MAY be surprised how well and with what detail kids remember the most technical aspects of your explanations.
I would get myself into trouble, by insisting on something that was scientifically and technically quite true – but not common knowledge. I knew the fact itself, and the reason I believed it (why? my dad told me so, silly…) – but could not always adequately, or at least convincingly, explain the underpinnings of the WHY.