Warnings we should heed from Venezuela’s crisis
by Adam Taggart
Chris Martenson’s Peak Prosperity
As we write about the risks of our over-indebted economy, of our unsustainable fossil fuel-dependent energy policies, and our accelerating depletion of key resources, it’s not a far leap to start worrying about the potential for a coming degradation of our modern lifestyle — or even the possibility of full-blown societal collapse.
Sadly, collapse is not just a theoretical worry for a growing number of people around the world. They’re living within it right now.
This week, we catch up with Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre, who began blogging during the hyperinflationary destruction of Argentina’s economy in 2001 and has since dedicated his professional career to educating the public about his experiences and observations of its lingering aftermath. He is the author of Surviving the Economic Collapse and sees many parallels between the path that led to Argentina’s decline and the similar one most countries in the West, including the U.S., are currently on. Since our 2011 interview with him “A Case Study in How An Economy Collapses“, FerFAL has successfully relocated his family to Europe.