Brexit Spells Ruin of EU, Strife for U.S.

by Jeff D. Opdyke
The Sovereign Investor

My son sent me a text a couple weeks ago with a link to an iPhone app. “Get this” was all he wrote.

The app is called Been. It maps, catalogs and displays all the countries and states I’ve visited in my travels through the years, and tells me what percentage of the world and the U.S. I’ve seen so far (57 countries for 23% of the world; and 43 states for 84% of America).

Outside America, the region where I’ve spent most of my time is Europe. I’ve visited 22 countries, or 38% of the Continent. I’ve traveled from Northern Ireland to eastern Romania. From Spain to Russia, Turkey to Sweden, and Italy to France to Estonia to Poland to Slovakia, Greece and beyond.

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