Rob Kirby – Dollar Devaluation Clock About to Strike Midnight
by Greg Hunter
USA Watchdog
Emergency Fed meetings at the White House, the launching of new gold trading market at the Shanghai Gold Exchange, revelations Deutsche Bank admitting it manipulated gold and silver prices, China starting its own global payment system. These may all seem unrelated, but according to macroeconomic researcher Rob Kirby, they are all connected. Kirby explains, “With China and their upstart CIPS, which is the China Interbank Payment System, China appears to be on the verge of merging their interbank payment system with SWIFT. My gut is telling me that this will very much marginalize America as the main processor of global payments. This, in my view, will embody very possibly a global reset in terms which currency is going to be the world’s reserve currency. I have a very sneaking suspicion that when China merges with the SWIFT system, I believe there is a very strong possibility that China will back their currency with gold. I do believe this is why China has aggressively been buying physical gold for the past 10 or 15 years. They have been doing it with a view to dislodging the dollar or greatly diminishing the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. That’s what I think is at play right now. I think U.S. bankers and regulators have caught wind of this and are aware it is coming. I also believe this is the reason for all the secret meetings they have been having. The Federal Reserve Board met in secret behind closed doors (Monday morning), and they gave us some frivolous reason why they were meeting. The Fed Chairman, that Monday afternoon, walked over to the White House and met with, not just the President, but also the Vice President. The notion that the President and Vice President would be in the same room at the same time tells you this is national security related. If you don’t think the preservation of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency isn’t a national security issue, you better think again.”