from Bill Still
The headline of the Drudge Report says it all. Trump Wins in a Landslide. In politics a landslide is a 10 point spread in vote percentages. A 55 to 45 win is a landslide.
Well, Donald Trump crushed his competition yesterday in New York by a 36% margin, Trump 60.5%, Kasich 25%, and Ted Cruz 14.5%.
As a result, Trump garnered 92 of New York’s 95 convention delegates, and Kasich got only 3. Ted Cruz got zero.
Trump now leads nearest competitor Ted Cruz by an 844 to 559 delegate margin.
The Trump margin of victory was so huge that it makes it a mathematical impossibility for the junior senator from Alberta, Canada to gain the nomination on the first ballot.
Trump’s win in his “favorite son” state of New York was the largest margin in that state’s history at 60,5%. An interesting comparison is that although Cruz eeked out a favorite son victory in Texas, his margin of victory, at 43.8%, was the lowest ever for a favorite son in any state in American history.
No one had predicted the hugeness of the win for Trump, nor predicted that April 19th would be the day that Calgary Ted would be eliminated.
Reports are now beginning to surface that the famous “bandwagon effect” is already starting to take hold among convention delegates, as they see that Trump’s inevitability is now taking shape and they had better jump on the Trump Train sooner than later if they want a good seat.
I’m still reporting from Washington. Good Day.