Still Report #793 – Fox News Poll Cruz Crashes

from Bill Still

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A new Fox News poll shows Ted Cruz crashing and Donald Trump and John Kasich benefiting.
The nationwide poll conducted on Monday through Wednesday of this week, shows Trump at 45%, Cruz crashing to 27%, just 2 points ahead of Kasich at 25%
Trump’s 18 point lead is a new high for the Fox News poll, and may reflect the initial stages of capitulation on the part of both the mainstream media and establishment Republicans that was hinted at yesterday in Still Report 790 – Major Shift of GOP Towards Trump.
But the crash of Calgary Ted Cruz’s numbers is especially surprising in the light of a recent string of Cruz primary victories, and is attributable primarily to two factors:
1. yet another perceived campaign dirty trick in the Colorado convention vote; and
2. the growing awareness of his Constitutional ineligibility problem. It is increasingly difficult for Cruz supporters to make the argument that a man with a Canadian birth certificate who renounced his Canadian citizenship in 2014 can in any way claim to be a natural-born U.S. citizen when he was obviously a natural-born Canadian citizen.
In the New York primary coming up in only 4 days, Trump has a 25-point lead over second-place John Kasich, 49 to 24. Ted Cruz polls only 14%.
According to Politico:
“Trump is poised to win, even on an only mediocre night, at least 65 delegates in New York. A stronger evening would lift him to closer to 85 delegates or more.”
Oh oh, this just in. A new version of Calgary Ted’s birth certificate is making the rounds on the Internet, which only deepens the mystery of why there are so many similarities between the nation’s most consistent conservative and the nation’s first Muslim president.
It claims that Ted Cruz was born in the exact same hospital as Barack Obama, but 7 ½ months earlier. Other strange coincidences are that the new Cruz birth certificate was even signed by the same attending physician. It even shows that Cruz’s father was also born in Kenya, not Cuba, and that both Cruz’s mother and Obama’s mother were born in Wichita, Kansas.
Please remember, birth certificates acquired off the Internet are notoriously unreliable.
I’m Still reporting from Washington. Good Day.