Still Report # 704 – 46k PA Dems Switched to GOP

from Bill Still

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Pennsylvania Democrats are changing their voter registrations over to Republican so they can vote for Donald Trump.
According to Penn Live, an online newspaper for Central Pennsylvania,
Nearly 46,000 Democrats have changed their party affiliation to Republican since Jan. 1, 2016. The phenomenon is called the “Ditch and Switch” movement, according to Dr. G. Terry Madonna, the director of the Center for Politics and Public Affairs at Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, PA.
The Ditch & Switch movement was started by two North Carolina sisters, who run a popular YouTube broadcast called Diamond and Silk. The changed their party registration so that they could vote for Donald Trump and now urge other Democrats to do likewise.
According to Dr. Madonna, there were more party registration changes in the first two months of 2016 then there were in 2013, apparently the last time a tabulation was readily available.
Dr. Madonna says that the phenomenon is likely going on nationwide.
I’m still reporting from Washington. Good day.