Still Report #697 – More Cruz Cheats Revealed

from Bill Still

A Trump Twitterer named Campaign Trump got this letter this morning:
“Hi campaign Trump. I have been a Ted Cruz supporter since day one here in Texas. After last night’s debate I have decided to move to the Trump side. Three things shocked me in the last four weeks and I’ll explain this to you. I think the Texas votes were rigged to make Ted Cruz the winner– There are no more Cruz supporters and Trump supporters in Houston. We all were surprised he won.” ”Second, Cruz keeps exaggerating lies about Trump and we are fed up with it now. I’m a Christian and attend Lakewood Church. I cannot support Ted Cruz anymore.”
“Third, the Cruz lies on the debate stage and the Drudge poll deceit last night said to me I’m supporting the wrong candidate. So please welcome me on board the Trump train?”
The second big cheat is after last night’s debate, some Cruzer hacker got on the Drudge poll and hacked in and inserted overl 44,000 Cruz votes.
As of 11 am, here are the current Drudge results. We assume that the illegal Cruz votes have been removed.
Out of nearly 400,000 votes cast, Trump 64%, Cruz 25, Rubio 6, and Kasich 5
Is there any cheat that Cruz — the fake anointed one – won’t do.
I’m still reporting from Washington. Good day.