Inflation Comeback: Did Inflation Ever Go Away?

by Mike ‘Mish’ Shedlock
Mish Talk

This is a guest post by Joseph Y. Calhoun at Alhambra Investment Partners. His post starts off with this quote by Stanley Fischer, Fed Vice-Chair in a speech before the National Association for Business Economics.

Says Fischer “We may well at present be seeing the first stirrings of an increase in the inflation rate — something that we would like to happen.

I dispense blockquotes using a guest post format.

Is Inflation About To Make A Comeback? by Joseph Y. Calhoun

Anyone renting an apartment over the last few years might well wonder what rock Mr. Fischer has been residing beneath – and whether it was rent controlled. Certainly not all prices have been as reluctant to rise as the CPI itself which has been running quite a bit beneath the Fed’s target the last few years.

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