by Karl Denninger
This is one of the most-damning studies that has ever been brought to my attention.
The “standard”, if you have ever had a cardiac “event” or coronary artery disease, is to immediately place you on a statin (for the rest of your life) and, in most cases (exception: if you have ulcer issues) low-dose aspirin as a low-level anticoagulant.
Here’s the problem: It doesn’t work because it’s not targeting where the actual issue resides.
This has now been known since 2004, when this study published; the study itself was initiated in 1999. 304 patients with a history of coronary artery disease were tested and baselined. Only those with normal glucose levels were accepted into the study; clinical diabetes was an exclusionary factor. 202 of the 304 were excluded at baseline for this reason, leaving the study authors with 102 patients.