from Financial Survival Network
Yet another Manipulation Monday with Andrew Hoffman. Listen to Andy discuss:
- FOMC meetingL
- Laughable FOMC statement sets new Central bank credibility lows
- Euro challenges “whatever it takes” July 2012 low!
- Gold up sharply in countless currencies – including Francs
- Ruble gold way above all-time high; rupee gold and others, on average
- 2014 ends with record demand
- Oil at $54-$55/bbl
- Greek snap elections favor Syriza
- Cratering U.S. economic data
- Dollar surges above 10-year range, causing massive currency plunges the world round
- Incredible to see the level of PM manipulation and stock support around the FOMC meeting
- Gold capped at $1,200 35 times last week, and twice already today
- Silver global supply will be up no more than 2% or so in 2014 – and set to plunge
- Crashing commodity currencies the world round will have horrific consequences
- Horrible holiday season likely to be far worse than last year’s post-2008 crisis lows
- Retail armageddon in 2015, especially as more sales online
- Euro collapse?
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