from Financial Survival Network
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, we find out that Comrade DeBlasio dropped Groundhog Staten Island Charlotte on her head during the Groundhog Day festivities. A week later she was dead, a victim of internal injuries. Oh the humanity, PETA should be outraged! And the 8 month cover-up that kept this vital information from the public. We’ll see if the voters take it out on the mayor in the next election, Lord knows they have so much to take out on him anyway.
Due to DeBlasio’s liberal leanings, Stop and Frisk is gone and shootings are way up. Until New York City’s residents have the right to defend themselves, they must rely upon the police as they have the monopoly on armed force.
Finally, we talk about Zombie Government Programs. The kind that have long since outlived their puropse, but can never be struck from the budget. There are thousands of them that cost taxpayers many hundreds of billions every year.
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