from Financial Survival Network
Manipulation Mondays with Andrew Hoffman. Listen in as we discuss:
- It’s the economy stupid;
- 2.45 on the 10 year bond;
- Housing starts down 11 percent;
- Economic data versus reality;
- Longest string of negative economic surprises since 2008;
- Negative 2nd quarter gdp fast becoming a reality;
- China largest ever monthly decline in home prices;
- US Subprime Auto Loan Bubble popping;
- Mortgage apps at 20 year low;
- Gallup poll people spending more on food and energy;
- Ukraine and MH17 and no AK-47’s for you;
- Israel and worst fighting since 1967 War;
- Espirito Santo files bk;
- Gold fundamentals looking—Hard Asset conferences cancelled.
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