from Financial Survival Network
Hard to believe but Marijuana legalization actually is starting to cut into cartel profits. Marijuana cultivation is way down in Mexico’s gold triangle all because of liberalization of pot laws in the US. Is that a good thing? Depends upon whom you talk to.
While on the subject of Mexico, they’re starting their own border patrol. Seems that using the army to stop illegals coming from all over Central and South America just isn’t working out so well. They’re even planning to patrol the northern border with the US. Is that a sign that Americans will soon be fleeing to points south?
Maryland is cracking down on online higher education companies. They’re trying to accredit and license companies outside the state who teach Marylanders. Guess they never heard of the Interstate Commerce Clause, or else they don’t really care anyway.
Finally, Detroit is attempting to emerge from Bankruptcy protection. A creditor vote will soon be taken and deals have been cut with various unions. Unfortunately, a golden opportunity has been missed and the odds are stacked against a full recovery.
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